Bulletin of Volcanology
Hits: 1782
The 2018 award for the most-cited paper in the preceding year (in this year’s case: 2017) went to Michael Heap, and the award for the most-cited paper as lead-authored by an early-career researcher went to Antonio Capponi, for their respective papers:
M. J. Heap, J. I. Farquharson, P. Baud, Y. Lavallée, T. Reuschlé (2015) Fracture and compaction of andesite in a volcanic edifice. Bulletin of Volcanology 77: 55 DOI 10.1007/s00445-015-0938-7
A. Capponi, J. Taddeucci, P. Scarlato, D.M. Palladino (2016) Recycled ejecta modulating Strombolian explosions. Bulletin of Volcanology (2016) 78: 13 DOI 10.1007/s00445-016-1001-z