Fisher Medal

The Fisher Medal honors the memory of Professor Richard V. Fisher of the University of California Santa Barbara, who was born on August 8, 1928, in Whittier, California, and died on June 8, 2002, in Santa Barbara, California.  Professor Fisher is known for his pioneering work on pyroclastic density currents.  He developed models for transport and deposition based upon very carefully described stratigraphic sections and sedimentological properties of the deposits.  His models were always based firmly upon his field work.  The medal is given every 4 years at the IAVCEI Scientific Assembly to a scientist who has made outstanding contributions to volcanology based primarily upon field observations.

FISHER MEDAL past medalists
2017 - Josè Luis Macias Vasquez

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Bulletin of Volcanology

Official Journal of the IAVCEI.
Executive Editor: Andrew Harris
ISSN: 1432-0819 (electronic version)
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Cities on Volcanoes 11

"Volcanoes and society: environment, health and hazards”.