III Workshop on Volcano Geology - July 3-10 2016, Sicily, Italy

The 3rd workshop on Volcano Geology is the ideal prosecution of the first two, held in Madeira (Portugal) on July 2014 and in Prague on July 2015, hosted by IUGG meeting.

It aims to be a forum to present and discuss the current topics of the geological studies in modern Volcanology, and to examine the first steps of the just established IAVCEI commission on Volcano Geology. This workshop will be particularly focused on discussing the state of the art of geological fieldwork and mapping in volcanic areas, which are the baseline for understanding the volcano behaviour and its associated hazards.

We plan some keynote lectures and a poster session to promote a wide discussion on main topics of Volcano Geology, combined with fieldtrips on wonderful outcrops of Mt Etna (including Valle del Bove depression and NE Rift) and Vulcano, Lipari and Stromboli volcanoes (Aeolian Islands) comprising the ascent to the Stromboli active craters. The website of the IAVCEI Commission on "Volcano Geology" is under construction.

Right now we publish the 1st circular with the details of the III Workshop on Volcano Geology, to be held from July 3rd to 10th, In Sicily (Italy).

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2016 - Cities on Volcanoes 9

The Cities and Volcanoes Commission of IAVCEI aims to provide a link between the volcanology community and emergency managers, to serve as a conduit for exchange of ideas and experience among people living and working in ‘cities on volcanoes’, and promote multi-disciplinary applied research, involving the collaboration of physical and social scientists and city officials.

IAVCEI Membership fees post-2016

Dear IAVCEI member,

As you probably know from the last issue of IAVCEI NEWS, we will reintroduce a payment fee for IAVCEI membership starting on January 1, 2016.

IAVCEI has increased its activities in recent years, financing grants for researchers from developing counties, international workshops and schools, and providing financial contributions to COV meetings and IAVCEI scientific assemblies. This activity requires income that cannot be guaranteed by voluntary contributions from members and from IUGG annual payments to IAVCEI. Thus, we find a need for membership fees to provide a regular annual income, similar to other international scientific associations.

The donor members, who have paid before the cancellation of the membership fee, will be advised about their balance and if they owe anything for 2016. Nothing will change for life members, who do not pay a yearly membership fee.

The amount of the new fees, referred to calendar year, will be:

  • YOUNG RESEARCHER MEMBER (Student or within 3 years after receiving PhD) 1-year membership: 15 Euros, 4 years membership: 50 Euros
  • REGULAR MEMBER (fee depending on personal income)
    • Over US$16,000 - 1-year membership: 50 Euros, 4-years membership: 175 Euros
    • US$ 8,000-16,000 - 1-year membership: 25 Euros, 4 years membership: 80 Euros
    • Under US$ 8,000 1-year membership: 15 Euros, 4-years membership: 50 Euros
  • LIFE MEMBER (a one-time payment, with no annual fees afterward) 800 Euros
  • BENEFACTOR MEMBERSHIP AND LIFE MEMBER (a one-time payment, with no annual fees afterward) 1000 Euros

IAVCEI members receive discounted fees for participation in IAVCEI meetings and workshops, are eligible for IAVCEI medals/prizes and to be elected as IAVCEI representatives. Members will receive 4 issues of IAVCEI NEWS each year and will be added to the IAVCEI mailing list.

Instructions for payment (Paypal or bank account) at www.iavcei.org

On behalf of IAVCEI EC.

Roberto Sulpizio

IAVCEI Secretary General

Extra grants for Students participating at CoV9

Dear students interested in participating to the incoming COV9 in Chile, in agreement with COV9 organizers and COV commission leaders, the IAVCEI offers a limited number of extra grants for covering the inscription fee to the congress.

If you are interested in applying for the grant please send an e mail to the IAVCEI SG (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) with your CV and a certificate stating you are a PhD student. The deadline is November 16, 2016.

The Secretary General

Obituary Prof. Bruno Capaccioni

Prof. Bruno CapaccioniIt is with heavy heart that we announce the tragic passing away of our member Prof. Bruno Capaccioni (University of Bologna, Italy). Bruno was a well-known and respected Italian geochemist. He died on September 8 in a car crash.

We send our deepest condolences to those of you who knew Bruno well.

Sit illi terra levis!

Obituary, July 29, 2016 - Prof. Gasparini

I am sorry to receive the news that Prof. Paolo Gasparini passed away on the night of July 28, 2016.

Prof Gasparini was emeritus at University Federico II in Naples, Italy.

His brilliant career was marked by numerous achievements in the fields of Geophysics and Volcanology, making him one of the most recognised scientists in Italy and worldwide.

He served as Vice President (1987-1991) and President (1991-1995) of IAVCEI.

Roberto Sulpizio

Chapman Conference on Submarine Volcanology: New Approaches and Research Frontiers

January 30 and February 3, 2017 in Hobart, Tasmania, Australia.

 This international conference aims to bring together researchers and students to discuss the past decade’s advances in understanding various types, mechanisms, consequences and tectonic environments of submarine volcanic eruptions. We also plan to take advantage of the assembled expertise to plot a course for possible future directions of reserach in the various fields encompassed by submarine volcanology.

Call for Application for IAVCEI 2021 Scientific Assembly

Dear volcanologists,

The call for hosting the next IAVCEI Scientific Assembly is now online at this link.

The form is for a pre-proposal and needs to be formalised by November 15.
With best wishes
Roberto Sulpizio

Become IAVCEI member

Choose to be a Young Researcher, Regular, Life or Benefactor Member.
1-to-4 years membership, registration in 5 minutes and online payment.

Bulletin of Volcanology

Official Journal of the IAVCEI.
Executive Editor: Andrew Harris
ISSN: 1432-0819 (electronic version)
IAVCEI Members have discounts on journal volumes

Cities on Volcanoes 11

"Volcanoes and society: environment, health and hazards”.