The Journal
The Bulletin of Volcanology was founded in 1922, as Bulletin Volcanologique, and is the official journal of the International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth's Interior (IAVCEI). In 1986 Bulletin of Volcanology, under the initiative of its then editor –in-chief, Hans-Ulrich Schmincke, approached Springer to form an innovative publishing partnership, to the great benefit of the IAVCEI community. He then saw this initiative through by staying on for a further decade. Since 1986 there have been six editors-in-chief, and six deputy-editors, namely:
1986 – 1991 EIC H-U Schmincke DE RJS Sparks
1991 EIC H-U Schmincke DE GA Mahood
1991 – 1996 EIC H-U Schmincke
1996 – 2000 EIC DA Swanson DE CG Newhall
2000 – 2004 EIC TH Druitt DE J-F Lénat
2004 – 2010 EIC J Stix DE JR Clark
2010 – 2017 EIC JDL White Editorial Assistant L White
2017 – EIC AJL Harris DE J Taddeucci EA F van Wyk de Vries
In 1986 there were six issues published per year, mainly research articles, with occasional review articles, as well as short scientific communications (for quick handling of new and important scientific results), forum articles (for commentary on topical issues and discussion of controversial issues), book reviews, and sporadic observatory reports. Ten years later, in 1996, the number of issues per year had increased to eight, with an average of 100 submissions per year, of which there was around a 60% acceptance rate. Authors submitting manuscripts came from around 15 countries throughout the world. In 2012 the submission process became via an on-line platform, Editorial Manager. This transition was overseen with great thoughtfulness by Linda White, the Editorial Assistant, who collaborated with Springer to tailor the system to Bulletin of Volcanology’s requirements. By 2018 the number of submissions had increased to 150, with around a 50% acceptance rate, and submissions from authors based in over 30 countries.
There are a number of new initiatives underway in the period 2018-2019:
- Press releases, in collaboration with the Global Volcanism Program (, will be sent out in the immediate aftermath of a major volcanic eruption. Related papers published in BV will be made open access for a period following the press release. For press releases to date please see Press Release tab.
- A reviewer reward scheme has been launched, by which Springer will donate a sum for each reviewer that accepts. This money will accrue in a fund that will be made available to IAVCEI to support travel bursaries for cases‐in‐need to IAVCEI‐supported conferences, workshops, meetings and summer schools. The first donation will be announced in January 2019, based on reviewer uptake in 2018.
- Awards for the best the most cited paper, awarded for two categories: all authors, and Young Researchers. This is based on the total citations for papers published in BV two years before the award date. For description and listing of awards see Awards tab.
For current and past issues of the Bulletin go to
For submission guidelines go to
For more detail on editorial policy, scientific writing and formatting, see Style and Writing Guide tab.