Vote for new IAVCEI logo

In 2019 we are celebrating IAVCEI's centennial. We have decided to mark the occasion of our 100th birthday by introducing a new, fresh IAVCEI logo!

Earlier this year we put out a call for you to come up with your best designs, and we thank everyone who submitted a logo design.

There were some great entries! We have now selected a short-list, which we are putting to the vote.

Please have your say on our new-look IAVCEI logo by clicking here to vote before June 30 2019!!

Call for nominations to the IAVCEI EC for the 2019-2023 term

Dear members,

the IAVCEI President (Don Dingwell) has appointed the election committee (term 2019-2023). They are:

Chair: Prof. Setsuya Nakada (Japan)

Prof. Patricia Mothes (Ecuador)
Prof. Hugo Delgado Granados (Mexico)
Prof. Pierfrancesco Dellino (Italy)
Prof. Karoli Nemeth (New Zealand)

The submission of candidatures for renewing of President, two vice-Presidents, 4 counsellors and 1 Early Career Researcher (aged 35 or less at the time of nomination) are now open.

The deadline is January 15, 2019.

International workshop on fostering international cooperation in volcano science

Fostering developed-developing country partnerships for the advancement of global volcano science
Co-convened by The University of the West Indies Seismic Research Centre and the IAVCEI – Developing Nations Network*
4 - 7 June 2019 at the University of the West Indies, Saint Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago

Senior volcano scientists representing 22 countries from around the world will come together at The University of the West Indies, St. Augustine Campus (Trinidad) on 4-7 June 2019 to discuss the challenges and opportunities for undertaking volcanology research, monitoring and risk mitigation in a resource-constrained context. The workshop will discuss how volcano science could be advanced as a result of fostering country partnerships through the establishment of a new community-driven network that focuses on supporting volcano scientists from Lower-to Middle-Income Countries (LMIC’s). Feedback from the workshop and the accompanying survey will channel directly into the establishment and the functioning of the network under IAVCEI  to ensure that it meets the needs of the community.

We will report on this workshop during the upcoming IUGG General Assembly in Montreal, Canada, during an informal meeting on 15th July 2019 at 3-5 pm, room 523B. Anyone attending IUGG is welcome to join this information session.

The workshop is funded by IAVCEI, IUGG, The University of the West Indies, USAID and Vrije Universiteit Brussel.

Updates on the workshop will be available via:
Online: uwiseismic.com <http://uwiseismic.com/>
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/uwiseismic  
Twitter: http://twitter.com/uwiseismic <http://twitter.com/uwiseismic>

These activities are driven under the auspices of the recently  
established IAVCEI - Developing Nations Network* (DNN) which has been  
instigated to support scientists working in a resource or technology  
constrained context. For more information on the network, survey or  
workshop please contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  
<mailto:Victoria.Milller@sta.uwi.edu> & This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  
<mailto:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..be>

*Network name to be determined following the consultation activities

IUGG 2019 Montreal - IAVCEI Symposia

Dear IAVCEI colleague,

As many of you know from the 8th to the 18th of July, the centennial celebration of IUGG (and IAVCEI) will take place in Montreal in Canada (http://iugg2019montreal.com).

IAVCEI is responsible for a program contribution containing 21 symposia, and other several Union and joint symposia that encompass a wide range of scientific interest. All the information is directly accessible on the IUGG meeting site (http://iugg2019montreal.com/v.html). For your convenience, the IAVCEI session descriptions are also appended below. You can easily found Union and joint symposia on the website.Please note that travel grants deadline is for February 18 2019.

Please make every effort to attend this landmark in the history of the IAVCEI. Your participation will help to support the IAVCEI both scientifically and financially. Do not forget to sign in as IAVCEI member! 

Results of IAVCEI voting for renewing the Exwcutive Committee 2019-2023

Statement of the chair of the electoral committee (Prof. S. Nakada)

As the chair of the nominating committee, I ensured that the voting process was undertaken properly in according with the current IAVCEI rules (Statutes 35 and 40).

Setsuya Nakada
Date: 2 May 2019

Call for nominations for 2019 Walker Awards and Wager Medal

The International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth´s Interior announces a call for nominations for three 2019 Walker Awards and one Wager Medal to be awarded at the Centennial IUGG meeting in Montreal.
Please submit your nominations to the head of the Awards Committee, Prof. Donald B. Dingwell, by email (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) before the deadline of February 15, 2019.

Latest IAVCEI Newsletter - 4/2019

Dear Colleagues,

We are glad to inform you that the new IAVCEI Newsletter 2019 No. 4 is now available at this link

2019 Annual Workshop of the IASPEI/IAVCEI

Dear Colleagues and Friends,


2019 Annual Workshop of the IASPEI/IAVCEI

Inter-Association Commission on Volcano Seismology and Acoustics co-sponsored by the European Seismological Commission (ESC) - Working Group on Volcano Seismology


The workshop will be held in

Garachico, Tenerife, Canary Islands (Spain) from 27 September to 3 October, 2019


Up-dated information regarding registration and accommodation is now
available on our website


We encourage participants from the volcano-seismology and acoustic community and other disciplines to join us in Tenerife. This year, we will focus on

*"Automated  detection, identification and classification of volcanic signals"*

however, we will also discuss the wider volcanological context, hence all volcanologists with an interdisciplinary interest are most welcome.

This will be also the kick-off meeting of a new initiative of the IAVCEI/IASPEI Commission, led by Corentin Caudron (France), Benoit Taisne (Singapore) and Jurgen Neuberg (UK), to investigate new ways to process volcanic monitoring signals in an automated way, employing concepts of machine learning.

Looking forward to seeing you in Garachico,

The convenors:
Maria José Blanco Sanchez, Instituto Geográfico Nacional,Tenerife
Stavros Meletlidis, Instituto Geográfico Nacional, Tenerife
Roberto Carniel, University of Udine, Udine, Italy
Jurgen Neuberg, Leeds University, Leeds, UK

IAVCEI communique on the recent catastrophe at White Island

On the occasion of the tragic events that happened at Whakaari / White Island volcano on the 9th of December 2019, IAVCEI, the International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth's Interior, wishes to express its deep condolences to the families of the victims, as well as its professional support to New Zealand colleagues.

The IAVCEI Executive Committee

Online survey concerning volcano science in resource-limited contexts

Do you identify as a volcano scientist working in a resource-limited context? If so, we would kindly like to invite you to take part in our online survey which can be accessed: 


Feedback from this survey will channel directly into the establishment and the functioning of a new community-driven network that is being formed under IAVCEI, and which has the aim to facilitate and enhance the active integration of volcano scientists working in resource-constrained contexts (i.e. mainly within Low- to Middle- Income Countries) into the global volcanological community. The facilitation of respectful partnerships between scientists in different countries will promote both the creation and sharing of information, knowledge and tools in a sustainable way to bridge the gap in these data-sparse regions.

We would like to hear from as many volcano scientists worldwide as possible, including academic researchers, operational staff at volcano observatories or geoscience institutes, risk managers, staff at mapping agencies, etc. Therefore, please do forward the link to the survey within your networks. The survey will remain open until 17th May 2019.

For more information regarding the proposed network or questions related to the survey, please contact:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. & This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Extensions of IAVCEI 2021 deadlines

The IAVCEI Local Organising Committee has decided to extend the following two deadlines until 15th November:

*1. Call for Proposals for Scientific Sessions*

*2. Call for Pre- and Post-Meeting Workshop Proposals*

*IAVCEI 2021 Scientific Assembly*


Latest IAVCEI Newsletter - 1/2019

Dear Colleagues,

We are glad to inform you that the new IAVCEI Newsletter 2019 No. 1 is now available at this link

Presentations highlighting the centennial of IAVCEI and one hundred years of volcanology

At the 27th IUGG General Assembly in July 2019 in Montréal, Canada, IAVCEI celebrated its centenary and one hundred years of scientific advances in Volcanology during a full-day symposium on July 12. The invited presenters have agreed to share their excellent presentations with the wider community (see links within the article).




Have a browse through these presentations by clicking on Read More

Cities on Volcanoes 11 - Heraklion 23-27 May 2020 - Second Circular


Dear Colleagues,

we are glad to publish the first circular of the Cities on Volcanoes 11 Conference, which will be held at Heraklion (Creete) from 23 to 27 of May 2020.

Please, click on the thumbnail to download the circular.

UPDATE: Deadline of the Call of Sessions has been moved to July 20, 2019.

IAVCEI EC Elections 2019 - Now open

Dear IAVCEI Colleagues,

I gently remind you that elections for positions in the IAVCEI executive committee are open now.

You received an email with login details allowing you to vote on April 1. In case you have not received it, please contact our secretary at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Voting will close on April 30, 2019.
Details of all candidates are available here.
Please do participate in these elections, a strong turnout will maximise the mandate for the Executive Committee going forward.

With kind regards,
Roberto Sulpizio

Major eruptions 1919-2019: Celebrating 100 years of IAVCEI

To commemorate IAVCEI’s Centenary, NASA have produced a short video clip showing 100 significant eruptions of the last 100 years. 

Major eruptions 1919-2019: Celebrating 100 years of IAVCEI

A NASA-IAVCEI collaboration

A new logo for a new century!

To mark the occasion of our 100th birthday at the recent IUGG conference in Montreal, IAVCEI launched a new, fresh logo!

Earlier this year we put out a call for you to come up with your best designs, and we thank everyone who submitted a logo design.

There were some great entries! We put the finalists to the vote in June, and received 647 votes after removal of duplicates from the same email address.

We are happy to announce that the winning logo won by a large margin, receiving 43% of the total votes!  

The new IAVCEI logo was jointly designed by Mai Sas and Robert Dennen, who will each receive a four year membership of IAVCEI and waived registration fees at the next IAVCEI conference of their choice.  

Please use this logo moving forward!

Download available by clicking "Read more"

IAVCEI EC Elections 2019

Report from the Nominating Committee

  • Call for nominations to the IAVCEI EC for the 2019-2023 term was announced on 27 November 2018 in the IAVCEI web site and was sent to all members. All nominations were submitted by the deadline of 15 January 2019.
  • All positions, except ordinary committee members, have one more candidates than the number of seats; so that the Nominating Committee was not necessary to select candidates before voting (Statutes #38).
  • Two candidates are from France, Japan and NZ, respectively. This fulfills “no more than two” from the same country in the Statutes #17 and 39.
  • Candidates for the President are from the member countries of IUGG (Statutes #28).
  • All candidates were nominated and seconded by members from three countries different from the candidate’s country, except for one candidate for the ordinary members (Statutes #30).
  • One current ordinary Executive Committee member (3-rd candidate in the following list) was nominated again as the candidate of the extra (second)-term member, which is allowed in the Statutes #16.
  • Seconders of the 4-th candidate for the ordinary member were not paid members when nominated and could not fulfill the membership until the early February 2019 (Statutes #26 and 27). The result was reported to the current Secretary General and President, and the current Executive Committee decided to second the 4-th candidate (Statutes #31).

Cities on Volcanoes 11 - Heraklion 23-27 May 2020 - First Circular


Dear Colleagues,

we are glad to publish the first circular of the Cities on Volcanoes 11 Conference, which will be held at Keraklion (Creete) from 23 to 27 of May 2020.

Please, click on the thumbnail to download the circular.

UPDATE: Deadline of the Call of Sessions has been moved to July 20, 2019.

Call for Nominations for hosting Cities on Volcanoes 12 Conference in 2022

 Key deadlines: 

  • 31 October 2019 5pm GMT - Deadline for Nominations, stating your intention to develop a proposal to host CoV12 in 2022. 
  • 28 November 2019 5pm GMT - Deadline for written Proposals for hosting COV12 in 2022. 

Nominations and Proposals are to be emailed to the 'Commission Leader' at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., and cc. to ‘Acting Secretary’ at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Please make sure that you have received an acknowledgement email for your Nomination and of your later written Proposal. 

Background: To date there have been ten “Cities on Volcanoes” (COV) conferences, with COV11 scheduled for May 2020. The purpose of these meetings is to bring together volcanologists, civil authorities, sociologists, psychologists, emergency managers, economists and city planners to enhance volcanic crises preparedness and management in cities and densely populated areas. 

List of IAVCEI Life Members

Title Name Surname Country  IAVCEI ID
Dr. Robert Andres USA 366
Prof. Shigeo Aramaki Japan 287
Dr. Willy Aspinall UK 97
Prof. Franco Barberi Italy 1810
Dr. Benjamin Bernard Equador 2205
Dr. Costanza Bonadonna Switzerland 943
Dr. Michel Bonhomme France 944
Mr. Joel Boyer France 1275
Prof. Marcus Bursik USA 452
Dr. Simon A.  Carn USA 3209
Dr. Gerardo Carrasco-Nunez Mexico  655
Prof. Ray Cas Australia 271
Prof. Katharine Venable  Cashman UK 695
Dr. Jorge Clavero Chile 1076
Prof. Charles Connor USA 1174
Mr. Leslie Paul Cragg UK 1129
Dr. Shane J.  Cronin New Zealand 282
Prof. Shanaka De Silva USA 946
Dr. Jonathan Dehn USA 1625
Dr. Natalia Deligne New Zealand 1681
Prof. Donald B.  Dingwell Germany 21
Dr. Franck Donnadieu France 1358
Prof. Tim Druitt France 933
Dr. Jean-Philippe Eissen France 4
Dir. Oskar Ermann Austria 619
Dr. Anthony Finizola France 1667
Prof. John Gamble UK 889
Prof. Esteban Gazel USA 4186
Dr. Adelina Geyer Spain 0
Dr. Jennie Gilbert UK 1855
Prof. Ronald Greeley USA 728
Prof. Eric Grosfils USA 2260
Prof. Anita Grunder USA 1184
Prof. Magnus Tumi Gudmundsson Iceland 859
Mr. Myles Hamilton UK 1849
Dr. Takeshi Hashimoto Japan 3329
Dr. David Hawkins USA 1099
Prof. Shintaro Hayashi Japan 673
Dr. Grant Heiken USA 33
Mr. Wes Hildreth USA 325
Mr. Rakip Hysenaj Albania 1229
Dr. Marshall Chapman USA 765
Dr. Hideyuki Itoh Japan 1281
  David Jessop Frace 4307
Dr. Wally R.  Johnson Australia 1
Dr. Ryunosuke Kazahaya UK 10223331
Prof. Isaac Kerlow Singapore 2392
Dr. Seung Bum  Kim Korea 46
Prof. Masato Koyama Japan 1504
Dr. Hélène Le Mével USA 3848
Dr. Jean-Luc Le Pennec France 1133
Dr. John P.  Lockwood USA 172
Dr. Ivan Lokmer Ireland 3953
Dr. Jacob Lowenstern USA 57
Dr. Jose Luis  Macias Mexico  1409
Dr. Jon Major USA 582
Dr. Michael Manga USA 1152
Dr. Kazutaka Mannen Japan 1454
Prof. Joan Marti Spain 114
Dr. Tamsin Mather UK 1348
Dr. Pritchard Matthew USA 1856
Dr. Hannes Mattsson Switzerland 1266
Prof. Stephen McNutt USA 335
Prof. Martin Menzies UK 1603
Dr. Leah C.  Moore Australia 77
Dr. Wolfgang Morche Peru 624
Dr. Toshiya Mori Japan 338
Prof. Setsuya Nakada Japan 855
Dr. Atsuko Namiki Japan 2192
Prof. Oded Navon Israel 375
Dr. Christopher Newhall Singapore 373
Dr. J. H.  Obenholzner Austria 730
Ms. Estefania Pedro Argentina 3947
Dr. Tom Pfeiffer Germany 1277
Dr. Sverre Planke Norway 320
Dr. Frank C.  Ramos USA 3263
Dr. Paul R.  Renne USA 489
Dr. Richard E. A.  Robertson Trinidad & Tobago 630
Prof. Alan Robock USA 966
Dr. William Rose USA 505
Dr. Alison Rust UK 1289
Dr. Claudio Scarpati Italy 110
Mr. John Seach Australia 920
Prof. Stephen Self USA 62
Dr. Taketo Shimano Japan 1729
Dr. Hiroshi Shinohara Japan 258
Prof. Hans Schmincke Germany 1272
Prof. Claus Siebe Mexico  1046
Prof. Haraldur Sigurdsson USA 1811
Dr. Kenneth Sims USA 1757
Prof. John Sinton USA 1591
Mr. Steve J.  Smith USA 1015
Dr. Adam S.  Soule USA 1301
Prof. Steve Sparks UK 355
Mr. Roderick Stewart Montserrat 1595
Dr. Roberto Sulpizio Italy 640
Dr. Donald A.  Swanson USA 54
Dr. Jean-Claude Tanguy France 381
Prof. Thorvaldur Thordarson Iceland 75
Dr. Robert I.  Tilling USA 12
Dr. Shigeko Togashi Japan 647
Dr. Akihiko Tomiya Japan 762
Mr. Leonardo Tortora Argentina 3948
Prof. Urumu Tsunogai Japan 1846
Dr. Simon Turner USA 849
Mr. Gerard A.  Vallely  Spain 1247
Dr. Yutaka Wada Japan 671
Dr. Rick Wunderman USA 554
Prof. Izumi Yokoyama Japan 2283
Dr. Mitsuhiro Yoshimoto Japan 3697
Dr. Georg F. Zellmer New Zeland 975