Call for Nominations for hosting Cities on Volcanoes 12 Conference in 2022
Key deadlines:
- • 31 October 2019 5pm GMT - Deadline for Nominations, stating your intention to develop a proposal to host CoV12 in 2022.
- • 28 November 2019 5pm GMT - Deadline for written Proposals for hosting COV12 in 2022.
Nominations and Proposals are to be emailed to the 'Commission Leader' at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., and cc. to ‘Acting Secretary’ at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Please make sure that you have received an acknowledgement email for your Nomination and of your later written Proposal.
Background: To date there have been ten “Cities on Volcanoes” (COV) conferences, with COV11 scheduled for May 2020. The purpose of these meetings is to bring together volcanologists, civil authorities, sociologists, psychologists, emergency managers, economists and city planners to enhance volcanic crises preparedness and management in cities and densely populated areas.
Requirements: COV meetings are required to have a core focus on the links between volcanoes and society – especially cities. Community and disaster/emergency management participants are to be actively encouraged to participate and supported where possible.
- “Cities on Volcanoes” meetings are to be spaced between the IAVCEI Scientific Assembly and General Assembly (IUGG meetings); they will continue to be held approximately every two years and are to avoid overlapping or interfering with known major international conferences (e.g. AGU, EGU, Goldschmidt).
- Venues for “Cities on Volcanoes” meetings will change for each successive meeting.
- The venue for the 12th “Cities on Volcanoes” meeting to be held in 2022 will be selected by the Executive Committee of the IAVCEI Cities and Volcanoes Commission.
- A brief Nomination email signifying your intention to submit a Proposal will close on 31 October 2019 5pm GMT.
Formal Written Proposals arising from these nominations are to be submitted by 28 November 2019 5pm GMT and must provide:
o Dates
o Venue for conference
o Mid-conference field trip options
o Locality (e.g. volcano characteristics, activity, exposed population, vulnerability)
o Transport and accommodation options for international attendees
o Strategy to focus on cities and on volcanic risk mitigation
o Session/programme vision (e.g. session themes, plenary speakers, field trips)
o Arrangements for logistics and handling of these by the host country
o Potential sponsorships
o Preliminary estimates of the registration fees, ideally including reduced rates for students, emergency managers/practitioners, and local community members
The Commission Executive Committee will give priority consideration to detailed proposals that:
- Address issues concerning volcanoes and society: environment, health and hazards. Conference activities must explore the interaction with society. Proposed themes, plenary and keynote speakers, and programme committee members expertise should address in similar proportion:
- Building resilience to volcanic hazards in the face of uncertainty.
- The interaction between volcanoes and society.
- Multi-disciplinary monitoring and forecasting of volcano hazards.
- Science (including volcano system models and dynamics) to mitigate risk.
- If there are attendance limits due to venue capacity, indicate a mechanism for ensuring similar proportions of representation in these broad areas.
- Contain diversity in subject matter, nationalities, age, and gender in decision making and meeting organization, plenary and keynote speakers.
- Show plans in advertising, attendance costs, and session format that broaden inclusion of local practitioners, early career scientists, people from many continents and of all genders.
- Contain a ‘civil protection framework’ in volcanic-risk areas as an integral component of the COV conference.
- Plan to seek ‘added value’ through innovative techniques within conference programming.
- Aim to be as sustainable as possible through limiting waste, recycling, encouraging public transport use and other initiatives.
The Commission Executive Committee may seek further details from the applicants, to be provided by 23 December 2019. The venue will be decided by a formal vote of the Executive Committee, and notice given to proposers by 10 January 2020. The Commission will announce the next venue on 27 May 2020 at closing of the Cities on Volcanoes 11 conference. The Commission will assist the host country where possible but organizational responsibility rests with the hosts. Local organizers will be required to sign a memo of understanding with IAVCEI regarding financial arrangements. For COV12 we will be trialing a new financial model, in which IAVCEI will hold financial responsibility, with finances managed through a contracted PCO in close collaboration with the LOC.
Important dates (all deadlines are 5pm GMT, Wednesday):
31 October 2019 Deadline for notice of intention for hosting CoV12
28 November 2019 Deadline for written proposals for hosting CoV12
23 December 2019 Deadline for submitting additional information if requested by Commission
10 January 2020 Notification of successful nomination by the Cities and Commission
27 May 2020 Venue for COV12 announced at closing of CoV12 conference