Call for nominations to the IAVCEI EC for the 2019-2023 term

Dear members,

the IAVCEI President (Don Dingwell) has appointed the election committee (term 2019-2023). They are:

Chair: Prof. Setsuya Nakada (Japan)

Prof. Patricia Mothes (Ecuador)
Prof. Hugo Delgado Granados (Mexico)
Prof. Pierfrancesco Dellino (Italy)
Prof. Karoli Nemeth (New Zealand)

The submission of candidatures for renewing of President, two vice-Presidents, 4 counsellors and 1 Early Career Researcher (aged 35 or less at the time of nomination) are now open.

The deadline is January 15, 2019.

The candidatures have to be addressed to Prof. Setsuya Nakada, chair of the election committee, and sent by email (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) following the procedure described in IAVCEI Statute and by Laws (  
A resume of the rules for the nomination and election procedure is in the following.

26.   Only individuals who are members of IAVCEI can be nominated for election to the IAVCEI Executive Committee.

27.   Only members of IAVCEI can nominate another member for election to the IAVCEI Executive Committee.

28.   Candidates for election to the IAVCEI Executive Committee can be from any country, except candidates for the Presidency, who must come from IUGG member countries, according to IUGG Statutes.

29.   Only members of IAVCEI can vote in the election for the IAVCEI Executive Committee.

30.   Nominations for candidates for election to the IAVCEI Executive Committee, must be seconded by three other current individual members, each from countries other than that of the candidate.

31.   The outgoing Executive Committee has the power to nominate candidates for particular positions on the Executive Committee, when only one, or no candidates are nominated by members.

32.   Nominations must be called for and submitted to the Chairperson of the IAVCEI Nominating or Election Committee no later than six months before the General Assembly.

33.   The voting process will be anonymous and conducted electronically through the IAVCEI web site and will be initiated by the Secretary General and President at least three months before, and must close no later than one month before, the IAVCEI General Assembly.

34.   The Secretary General and Assistant Secretary are responsible for establishing a secure on-line voting site and process, that ensures that only IAVCEI members registered as members at a defined date can vote, and that members can only vote once.

35.   A Nominating or Election Committee will be responsible for overseeing the voting process to ensure that it is undertaken in accord with the current IAVCEI statutes and by-laws.

36.   The members of the Nominating Committee will be proposed by the President and endorsed by the Executive Committee no later than nine months before the IAVCEI General Assembly.

37.   The Nominating Committee will consist of no less than five current individual members of IAVCEI, one of whom, usually the Past President bar one, will be nominated to be the Chairperson.

  38.   All nominations of candidates for election to the IAVCEI Executive Committee shall be considered by the Nominating or Election Committee, which will produce a shortlist of at least one, but no more than three candidates for each of the positions on the new Executive Committee, except for the 4 general committee positions, for which no more than 12 candidates should be proposed.

39.   Not more than two candidates from the same country, can be proposed by the Nominating Committee as candidates for election to the Executive Committee as a whole.

40.   The Nominating Committee is also responsible for scrutinising the results and reporting the results to the President and Secretary General within a month following the close of voting.

41.   The candidate(s) with the largest number of votes for each position will be elected.

42.   The President-elect must be endorsed by a majority of IAVCEI National Correspondents from IUGG member countries. A non-response from a National Correspondent will be taken to be an endorsement for the President-elect.

43.   In case of a tie the Executive Committee at the time of the election will elect the candidate from among those with the same number of votes.

44.   The Secretary General will communicate through the website to all IAVCEI members the results of the elections before the General Assembly, and the new officers of the Executive Committee will be officially appointed during the General Assembly. 

The following documents shall be submitted as a set in nominating:

1)  a letter of nomination from the principal nominator, clearly stating the nominating position.
2)  a short statement of acceptance from the candidate
3)  a short resume outlining the candidate’s position, research interests, and activities related to IAVCEI
4)  one-page curriculum vitae of the candidate including key research publications, and
5)  letters of support from three seconders.