IAVCEI Commission Guidelines and Liaison Committees

Commission Guidelines (As published in IAVCEI News 2013 No. 1 Page 12 )

The Executive Committee expects that commissions will adhere to the following guidelines, as appropriate: 

  •  Each commission should have an active leader or chair (point of contact) and board of officers (for instance, ex-officio chair, vice-chair, secretary). 
  •  Leader and board of officers should be elected every 4 years (or every 2 years if desired), within commission. 
  •  Report activities to IAVCEI Vice-Presidents and your Liaison Committee every year (briefly), with a full report to be delivered to the VPs (and Executive Committee) every 4 years. If a commission receives IAVCEI funding for an activity then a report to the EC must be made one month after the end of the activity. 
  •  The election of new office bearers for all commissions and presentation of final reports by the outgoing executives of all commissions should take place at a business meeting for each commission during IAVCEI Scientific Assemblies for commissions electing a board every 4 years, or at these meetings and at IUGG General Assemblies for those commissions electing board every 2 years. 
  •  Leader and board of officers should promote advances in volcanology by coordinating the affiliated members and boosting the organization of working groups to study specific topics, or by some other mechanism. 
  •  Leader and board of officers should promote the participation of young scientists in the activities of the commission and as board officers. 
  •  Leader and board of officers should promote collaboration with other commissions via LCs. 
  •  Organize a workshop or meeting (or equivalent activity) at least once every 4 years. 
  •  Organize (or co-organize) symposia and workshops that contribute to IAVCEI/IUGG General and Scientific Assemblies. 
  •  Promote and enhance the participation of their members in the IUGG General Assemblies. 
  •  Keep a website that clearly acknowledges IAVCEI affiliation, and that includes an updated (at least once a year) register of members. Website shall be hosted, or have a webpage and link, on the IAVCEI VHub site. 
  •  Use the above register of commission members to communicate with them at least once per year via an e-newsletter about commission activities and forthcoming commission workshops and programs at IAVCEI conferences. 
  •  Ensure that commission members are IAVCEI members. 


Liaison Committee Roles and Guidelines 

  • Each liaison committee represents a group of commissions with overlapping interests. These are outlined on the table below. 
  • The role of liaison committees is to facilitate communication between related commissions about each other’s activities and, where relevant, encourage and coordinate joint activities. 
  • Each commission within a liaison committee should provide a member to serve on the LC on a rotational basis. Desirably, the ex-officio commission chair/leader could be a candidate for the LC. 
  • Members decided by the boards of each commission would form the liaison committee. For example: the Chemistry of the Earth Liaison Committee; one person from Commission on Volcanic Gases, Volcanic Lakes, and Arc Magmatism, would initially constitute the liaison committee. They can be replaced every 2 years at the discretion of the commission board or remain for the term of four years. 
  • Liaison committees will keep up a list of activities (on the IAVCEI Website) proposed by their member commissions accurate to at least 1 year ahead. 
  • Liaison committees can promote new commissions and/or working groups, and explore strengths and weaknesses within the group of commissions. 
  • Liaison Committees will collect the annual and quadrennial reports of their member commissions and interact with the VPs on the progress of commissions and LCs. 
  • Liaison committees will promote the largest participation possible of members from their groups, and organizing the most relevant and pertinent sessions, symposia, and workshops during the IUGG Scientific Assemblies.




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Bulletin of Volcanology

Official Journal of the IAVCEI.
Executive Editor: Andrew Harris
ISSN: 1432-0819 (electronic version)
IAVCEI Members have discounts on journal volumes

Cities on Volcanoes 11

"Volcanoes and society: environment, health and hazards”.