Cities on Volcanoes 11 - New date

Dear registrants of COV11, dear colleagues,

We acknowledge that unprecedented and challenging times are facing the global community, we hope you and your family are safe.

IAVCEI and the Local Organizing Committee, taking into consideration the advice of the Cities and Volcanoes Commission, are officially announcing the postponement of the 11th Cities On Volcanoes (COV11) Conference to September 25-30, 2020 in Heraklion, Crete (Greece).

This decision has unfortunately been imposed on us by the current Covid-19 pandemic and its widespread impacts. International travel to Europe is now essentially prohibited, and international flights will probably be deemed unsafe by governments and world health authorities for several months.

The new date was selected due to contractual constraints associated with the venue and conference organizer. However, we stress that COV11 can only be held when global health authorities and most governments and their agencies again permit international travel.

Of course, we will carefully survey the ongoing crisis in order to adapt our plans and actions if needed. We will provide you all with timely information regarding the new program, field trips and the COV organization as information becomes available. Timely updates will be dispatched on the COV website and disseminated through the IAVCEI mailing list.

We sincerely hope to see you all in Heraklion in September!

Stay safe, stay tuned.


Paraskevi Nomikou - COV11 President

Patrick Allard - IAVCEI President

Roberto Sulpizio - IAVCEI General Secretary




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Bulletin of Volcanology

Official Journal of the IAVCEI.
Executive Editor: Andrew Harris
ISSN: 1432-0819 (electronic version)
IAVCEI Members have discounts on journal volumes

Cities on Volcanoes 11

"Volcanoes and society: environment, health and hazards”.